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Saturday 19 May 2012

Doggie Bags

I had a wonderful day yesterday celebrating a great friend's 40th birthday. Afternoon Tea at The Merchant Hotel. Yummy....the best bit.......getting the leftovers home in a fancy box! I would have photographed them outside of the box but they were a sorry mess by the time I rallied home (forgot they were in the back seat of the car..whoops..ate them anyway).

Bought the beautiful birthday girl a beautiful "Lugh" bag, locally handmade and stocked by Javart, The Courtyard, Carrickfergus...just had to buy myself a wee one with dogs on, isn't it pretty? Better not take it anywhere near the garden - I'll never keep it fact, better not have it anywhere near me. I think I'll just hang it somewhere nice and look at it.

Big garden post coming tomorrow!!! Have neglected my flowers this week - I actually left the Island two days in a row. 


  1. The afternoon tea at the Merchant is very fancy, isn't it. I brought home a wee blue box when we went too!

  2. Really yummy - it is fancy and yet there's a relaxed atmosphere. I don't want to throw my box out - trying to think of what I could use it for!


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