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Saturday 12 May 2012

The Promise of Things to Come

Well, here goes, I can't believe I'm starting a blog! I don't know whether I'll be any good at this social media malarkey but I'll give it a try. 

"Let what you love be what you do". I didn't think that this would ever be possible but I'm living my dream after many stressful years of being in a job that wasn't really me. I'm growing my own cut flowers on my parents' land - I've become quite a happy hermit. Just me, the dog, the solar, wind up radio and a lovely garden with beautiful views. 

This time of year, despite the horribly cold weather, I'm ever the optimist - it has to get better, lighter, warmer. The garden will do its stuff and we will marvel at the exuberance of it all - I can't wait!


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