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Friday 1 February 2013

Hedge Your Bets

To lay or not to lay......

Finished laying the hedge today - it had been neglected for so long - it looked past redemption so we thought we have nothing to lose - let's lay it! To find out more, dig this website - I think ours is "Yorkshire" in style - makes me feel not so bad - basically it should have been done years ago so it's pretty much been taken down to nothing and we're hoping it will regenerate from the thick stumps and trunks left behind. Mind you, we've plenty of sticks for the woodburning stove that we haven't yet bought - plan ahead - season your wood for at least a year etc etc.The down side... as I write this, my fingers are throbbing - nothing so bad as a half dozen haw"thorn" skelf (what is the plural of skelf?) in each finger.

Anyhow, it's really opened up that whole area of the garden - it's on the  east side of the garden so doesn't really affect light levels but it has meant that now have room to plant more shrubs in a cosy west facing part of the garden (in front of the hedge). There are rambling roses along the hedge but we've filled the gaps with new bare root shrubs....

Deutzia Pride of Rochester, Philadelphus Virginal, Abelia, three different flowering currants, 5 spindle berry, physocarpus, sea buckthorn.  Elsewhere, we planted alnus Imperialis, hazel, elder, spiraea and a few more conifers. I jus wish I could fast forward their growth by about five years - I have no patience when it comes to trees.

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