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Wednesday 8 August 2012


We've won! I really can't believe it - I was feeling a bit down cos I'm a really bad business person and haven't sold many flowers and what with the rainy weather. I came in from the garden last night about half past eight and opened my emails to see that we have won Britain's bee friendliest garden (group gardens category).  I'm so happy....the more time I've spent working in the garden, the more I've come to know and love the bees - there are so many varieties but they're so hard to identify.

The winning prize was a course on how to make a wildflower meadow, held in Somerset so I'm getting binoculars instead! We get a nice plaque for the garden and best of all, our photo will be featured in their 2013 calendar! This is the photo that I submitted.

Some bee pics!

1 comment:

  1. Well done Cherry! You deserve to win, all that hard work really does pay off... Lesley


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